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On this category, I post various HowTo articles and setup tutorials for different FOS Sofwares.

During my spare time, I learn how to install everything, from any Linux-based applications to server apps which are intended for Cloud VPS operation. Once learned… I document it, write the guide and post it on this section of the site.

This site also serve as my personal reference site, I tend to forget how I setup something, especially when haven’t used it for a while. So I resort to my own blog post and read my own guide to install an App.

I work as part-time virtual tech assistant on various Freelancing web site and that would mean that I have real-world experience in setting up sever applications or FOSS. This would mean that I’ve handled several Cloud VPS and other Linux-based softwares, in a professional level. And yes, I am a self-taught tech dude as mentioned in my About Chubbable’s page, and I am making small money off of it. I setup and configure servers for production environment, and whatever I learned and experienced from it shall be shared and posted on this Blog.